ISSN Online: 2177-1235 | ISSN Print: 1983-5175

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Letter to the Editor - Year2021 - Volume36 - Issue 2

Dear Editor,

Due to the educational character of the magazine, as there are a large number of resident readers still in training, I believe that these observations are quite pertinent. Reading the last volume of the Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, in the article by Cunha et al. (2021)1, entitled “Systematization of abdominal wall reconstruction after reconstruction with TRAM”, the following sentence can be seen in the introduction chapter, at the beginning of the second paragraph: “The TRAM was first described by Holmström, in 2006, and popularized by Hartrampf et al., in 1987 and Gandolfo, in 1996”. Two corrections can be made here: Holmström’s2 description was in 1979, and for the microsurgical flap, that is, it was not made on the mentioned date; and it was Robbins3 who made the first description of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap (TRAM), in 1979, being modified by Hartrampf et al. (1982) 4 and Gandolfo (1982) 5, who made it popular6.


1. Cunha AS, Costa RSC, Daher JC, Silva SV, Castro COP, Damasio AA, et al. Sistematização de reconstrução da parede abdominal pós-reconstrução com TRAM. Rev Bras Cir Plást. 2021;36(1):15-20.

2. Holmström H. The free abdominoplasty flap and its use in breast reconstruction. An experimental study and clinical case report. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 1979;13(3):423-7.

3. Robbins (...). 1979.

4. Hartrampf CR, Scheflan M, Black PW. Breast reconstruction with a transverse abdominal island flap. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1982 Fev;69(2):216-25.

5. Gandolfo (...). 1982.

6. Saldanha Filho OR, Saldanha O, Cação E, Menegazzo MR, Cazeto D, Canchica AC, et al. Reconstrução de mama com miniabdominoplastia reversa. Rev Bras Cir Plást. 2017;32(4):505-12.

1. Private Clinic, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.

Institution: Private Clinic, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.

Corresponding author: Lincoln Graça Neto, Rua Alferes Ângelo Sampaio, 2029, Batel, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Zip Code: 80420-160 E-mail:

Article received: March 30, 2021.
Article accepted: May 24, 2021.

Conflicts of interest: none


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